How does the medical certificate work?
First you have to decide whether you want to participate in the Competitive or the Just for Fun variant. If you have chosen Just for Fun, the problem is already solved - you do NOT need a medical certificate. If you have opted for the Competitive; version, you must upload a medical certificate to our timekeeping company's website directly during or after registration (if something doesn't work out, you can do thatmedical Certificate, if necessary also print it out and hand it in at the start number issue). All information about the medical certificate can be found below.
What is the difference between the three categories?
Medical certificate required
List of results with ranking
Awards for the fastest 10 women and men overall and the fastest three in each category
NO medical certificate required
alphabetical list of results without ranking
Awards for the 5 participants in this classification with the smallest gap to the average time
NO medical certificate required
alphabetical list of results without ranking
Awards for the 5 participants in this classification with the smallest gap to the average time
Before the race
Medical certificate
If you have registered for the main race, it is necessary to send a medical certificate. Italian participants need a medical certificate for "athletics", which is specific to the sport discipline and is issued by an accredited sports doctor (according to D.M 18/2/1982). Foreign participants must have the following form completed and signed by the doctor. All certificates are valid for one year and must be uploaded at registration or sent in attachment to stelvio@evodata.it. If you register for 'Just for Fun' or the 'Stelvio Hike' no medical certificate is necessary. All athletes who do not have a medical certificate will only be listed in alphabetical order and will not participate in the awarding of the individual categories. However, timekeeping will take place. Except for the awarding of prizes, all services can be claimed. Prizes will be awarded to the 10 athletes who are closest to the target time. DOWNLOAD: Form for foreign participants without medical certificate.
The Stelvio Trail Run leads through high alpine terrain. The temperature between the start and finish can vary greatly. Warm clothes, weather protection and running shoes adapted to the conditions are recommended.
There is no compulsory equipment for participants.
Walking aids in the form of hiking poles, ski poles and the like may be used in all events.
The registration fee paid will not be refunded. However, if you are unable to take part, you can postpone your registration to the following year with an additional payment of €10.00 up to one week before the event. Within one week before the event, the postponement of registration can only be accepted on presentation of a doctor's note. - IBAN IT87O0818358720000300237591, reason for payment and name of the athlete. The reservation of the rental bike or bike transport cannot be refunded or postponed.
Juniors F/M 18-22 years
Seniors F/M 23-34 years
F/M 35 = 35-39 years
F/M 40 = 40-44 years
F/M 45 = 45-49 years
F/M 50 = 50-54 years
F/M 55 = 55-59 years
F/M 60 = 60-64 years
F/M 65 = 65-69 years
F/M 70 = 70 years and older
Just for fun
Prizes will be awarded to the 5 athletes who come closest to the guide time (average time of all participants of 'Just for Fun'). Each participant will receive a CHIP for timekeeping and will be listed alphabetically in the results list after the race.
Stelvio Hike
Prizes will be awarded to the 5 athletes who come closest to the guide time (average time of all participants of 'Just for Fun'). Each participant will receive a CHIP for timekeeping and will be listed alphabetically in the results list after the race.
ONLINE: on ENDU web page, payment by credit card or bank transfer, by using bank details available at the end of registration.
Late registrations
Late registrations are possible this year.
Race number pickup
The start number distribution times will be announced in good time.
Start times
March (21.1 km – 2,100 hm)
7.15 a.m. – National Park House aquaprad in Prad am Stilfserjoch
Competitive and Just for Fun (21.1 km – 2,100 m elevation gain)
8.00 a.m. – National Park House aquaprad in the Way of the Cross in Prad am Stilfserjoch
Change of route for safety reasons or due to force majeure
The organiser reserves the right to change the route for safety reasons or due to force majeure. In this case, the participants will be informed in due time.
Participation fee
The prizes for all competitions are:
Participants from no. 1 to no. 155: 55.00 €
Participants from no. 156 to no. 300: 65.00 €
Participants from no. 301 to no. 683: 75.00 €
Late registrations: 85.00 €
For organisational reasons, registration must close one week before the event.
Late registrations are still possible on site.
Participant limit
There is a participant limit of 683 participants. Register early to secure your starting place.
Return transport to Prad by car or bus
It is possible to return to Prad from the Stelvio by public transport or an organized shuttle bus. More info HERE. The pass road remains open on the day of the event, so you can also be picked up privately by car.
Return transport by bike
It is also possible to cycle from the Stelvio to Prad. For this you can book a rental bike at the same time as your registration or even later at a price of 18.00 €. It is also possible to have your own bike brought to the top of the pass for 15.00 €.
During the race
Termination or abandonment
In case of abandonment of the race by a runner or if the jury stops the race (fog, sudden change of weather, wind), each participant is obliged to report to the next marshal as soon as possible and to strictly follow the instructions of the track marshals.
Abort or cancellation of the race
If the run cannot be carried out or can only be carried out partially for safety reasons, there is no claim to a refund of the entry fee or to its transfer to the following year. The decision about not carrying out and/or stopping the race is up to the jury. The route can also be changed after the start. In this case, the race is valid and will be counted if at least 50% of the participants reach the finish of the modified route.
The jury (race management) decides on disqualifications. Protests must be submitted in writing to the race director no later than 30 minutes after crossing the finish line (deposit: 50.00 €). Anyone who behaves in an unsportsmanlike manner (shortcuts, disregard of official instructions, doping) will be disqualified without exception, and the start number will be taken away. Runners who do not reach the marshalling posts below after the end of the control will not be classified and will not be able to use the Trail Run services (food, ambulance, awards). Runners who pass the checkpoints after the end of the race and still want to continue will have their race numbers taken away.
Throughput times
Stilfs church - 9.15 am - KM 6
Fragges - 10.00 am - KM 9,5
Furkel hut - 11.15 h - KM 13
Junction for trail no. 12/Goldsee trail - 12.30 hrs - KM 15.5
Finish Stelvio - 14.30 h - KM 21.1
The start numbers of the runners who pass the checkpoints after the end of the control and still want to continue will be marked with a pen. Race exclusions and disqualifications do not entitle to a refund of the entry fee (not even partial).
Nature protection
It is forbidden to throw away any rubbish outside the marked food supply zones. Leaving the race track is not permitted for reasons of nature conservation. Non-observance of these rules will lead to disqualification.
Most of the Stelvio Trail Run route runs in the Stelvio National Park.
It is therefore very important to the organizer that nature conservation and environmental protection are observed.
Necessary measures, such as sufficient waste disposal points, will make it easier for participants to comply with the rules.
Instructions of the race doctors and the track attendants must be strictly followed. Failure to follow these instructions will result in disqualification (see regulations).
Time limit
Competitive & Just for Fun- 6.30 h
March - 7.15 h
If a competitor does not reach the prescribed lead times, he will be taken out of the race by the organizer.
Time keeping
The timing is carried out by the company EvoData - Timing&Data Solutions. The time starts with the starting signal. The time is stopped as soon as the runner crosses the finish line.
Award ceremony
Competitive: Award ceremony for the fastest 10 women and 10 men of all age categories together on the festival site at the Aquaprad at 16:00. Individual prize collection for the first three in each category at the Aquaprad after the award ceremony.
Just for Fun: Award ceremony for the 5 participants (women and men together) with the smallest gap to the average time of all participants in the respective competition on the festival grounds at the Aquaprad at 16:00.
March: Award ceremony for the 5 participants (women and men together) with the smallest gap to the average time of all participants in the respective competition on the festival grounds at the Aquaprad at 16:00.
Prize draw: Prize draw by drawing the starting number of non-cash prizes to all participants present immediately after the prize-giving ceremony.
Data protection
By registering, participants agree that their address data may be passed on to sponsors, service providers (photo service, timekeeping) or third parties for services. Anyone who wishes to object to the disclosure of their address data must notify the secretariat in writing. Participants agree to the use of photographic material from the race for the illustration of rankings, websites and for other PR purposes of the organizer and third parties. By registering, participants agree to the publication of their name, place of residence and year of birth on official starting/ranking lists in printed or electronic form by the organiser or third parties. This consent is a prerequisite for participation.
By registering, each participant declares the following:
In case of my participation in the Stelvio Trail Run I accept the organizers' disclaimer for damages of any kind. I will not make any claims against the organizers and the sponsors of the race, nor against the neighboring communities, the owners of private ways or their representatives for damages and injuries of any kind, which could result from my participation in the event. I declare that I have trained sufficiently for participation in this competition and that I am physically healthy. I am insured against liability myself. I agree that the data mentioned in my registration, the photos, film recordings and interviews in radio, television, commercials or books I have made may be used without any claim for compensation on my part. I assure that my stated year of birth is correct and that I will not pass on my race number to any other person. I am aware that I will be disqualified if I change the official start number in any way, especially if I make the advertising print invisible or unrecognizable or if I am accompanied by persons on bicycles or similar. In case of a cancellation of the Stelvio Trail Run due to force majeure (flood, storm etc.) the entry fee cannot be refunded.
Photo rights
With the sending of the registration for the Stelvio Trail Run, the participant from this moment on explicitly authorizes the organizer to use free of charge the film and photo recordings, which depict the own person and which were taken in the context of the participation in the Stelvio Trail Run. This authorization to use the recordings is understood without time and place limit for the use in various publications and films, for example, for promotional and/or advertising material on all kinds of data carriers. The Organiser is also authorised to transfer the right of use assigned in the present agreement to third parties, both institutional and business partners.
The jury is composed of one representative of the organizing committee, one official referee of the Italian National Tournament. UISP and a representative of the timekeeping.
The organiser of the Stelvio Trail Run reserves the right to change these regulations at any time for the purpose of improving the organisation of the event. Possible changes in service, place and time information will be communicated to the participants in an appropriate way by means of a confirmation of registration or on the website www.stelviomarathon.it
Declaration of responsibility
With the registration to the Stelvio Trail Run the participant agrees to know and accept the rules, which are published on the website www.stelviomarathon.it
The participant also expressly declares, under his own responsibility, not to tell only the truth (art. 2 legge 04/01/1968 n° 15 come modificato dall'art. 3 comma 10 legge 15/05/1997 n° 127), but also to exempt the organisers from any civil or criminal responsibility for any personal and/or material damage suffered or caused by the participant.
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