No Stelvio Marathon happening in 2020? Not if we can do something about it! This year we came up with something special for you, the Stelvio Virtual Run 2020. Participation can take place anywhere within three days and is also free of charge.
You run the chosen distance, collect data such as distance, the difference in altitude and time with your fitness app or watch and then enter it here. The participant in each altitude difference category that is closest to the benchmark time wins a starting place for the Stilfserjoch Stelvio Marathon 2021!
MARATHON 42,195 km

Scroll up, click on 'Register', fill in the form - done. Now you are officially a Virtual Stelvio Runner!
You may print the start number (which we will send to you via email with your registration confirmation) and wear it during your run. Secure your 'Stelvio Virtual Run' T-shirt directly when you register and thus support our event.

​Start with your chosen run from home or from the starting point of your choice (always within the current restrictions).
Record your personal time with your watch or tracking app for your chosen distance.
It is important that you complete the specified distance. Don’t worry about the difference in altitude covered, we will take care of that. You can read up on this in the evaluation part.
It’s a matter of honour: Since everyone runs for themselves, we would like to appeal to athletic fairness and ask you to record the times and difference in altitude honestly.
You can find more information on “How do I record myself?” with our timekeeper.
Tip: On Facebook, there will be a live virtual starting signal for all participants at the official start time. You are welcome to run earlier or later than that as long as you are within the specified starting period.

Let us know your results afterwards!
You will find the “upload link” in your registration confirmation email. There you can save your time and difference in altitude. Please enter your time before the upload timeframe expires.
Please also upload a screenshot of your app or take a photo of your watch.
Let us take part in your run! Post pictures of your run on our Facebook page or tag us in your Instagram posts or stories. We look forward to your impressions!

Look up your time.
You will find your time on our website „“ on Monday.
You will also receive your personal certificate which you can print at home.
Choose your competition:
Marathon 42,195 km up to 2.5000 metres in altitude
Classic 26 km up to 2.400 metres in altitude
Short Distance 14 km up to 1.180 metres in altitude
Register for your Stilfserjoch Stelvio Virtual Run 2020 for free.
Only run if you are physically fit and healthy.
Take enough water and provisions with you for your run.
Plan your route. It is important that you complete the specified distance. Don’t worry about the difference in altitude covered.
Follow the current regulations regarding the freedom of movement.
If these can be adhered to, you can run the Stilfserjoch Stelvio route, which is signposted all year round.
Please keep in mind that you always run on your own responsibility, so it is advisable to inform your next of kin about your chosen route before the start.
Go to your starting point any time between Friday 12th June 6:00 am until Sunday 14th June 1:00 pm.
Run your chosen distance.
If you stop at a shorter distance than stated in the registration, we will have to disqualify you unfortunately (DNF).
If you run a few additional meters than originally stated, we will still use your tracked time.
You don’t need to worry about the difference in altitude, this will only be relevant when your results are entered.
Please also observe the current legal regulations regarding minimum distance to your fellow citizens during your run.
Upload your time as well as the completed difference in altitude and a photo of the watch or screenshot of the app before the uploadtime expires via the link in the registration email until Sunday 14th June 2020 10:00 pm.
Let us participate in your run! Post photos of your run on our Facebook page und tag us in your Instagram-posts or –stories. We are looking forward to your impressions.
Now you can look forward to your results. Maybe you are the one who can secure a starting place for the Stelvio Marathon 2021 already. Then you can hit the original route!
You will find your results on our website on Monday, 15th June 2020 at 01:00 pm.
How is the evaluation done?
We stick together and nominate the winners together with all participants!
The Stilfserjoch Stelvio Virtual Run 2020 is not a normal competition because the evaluation has been adapted to the current conditions as much as possible.
Since not all participants can complete the run under the same conditions (course conditions, difference in altitude ...), the runner who comes closest to the benchmark time wins.
The winner of the Stilfserjoch Stelvio Virtual Run 2020 doesn’t need to be the fastest runner as if you win or not does not only depend on your own achievement.
First of all he/she has to accept the challenge and complete the distance within the possibilities available. If you are on top or not depends mainly on the other participants.
How is the benchmark time being determined?
The benchmark time can only be calculated after all results have been uploaded and results from the following factors: distance, time and number of participants per difference in altitude category. Whether man or woman makes no difference.
Difference in altitude categories:
MARATHON & CLASSIC: 0 - 500 m.i.a , 501 - 1000 m.i.a, 1001 - 1500 m.i.a, 1501 - 2000 m.i.a & über 2001 m.i.a
SHORT DISTANCE: 0 - 500 m.i.a & über 501 m.i.a
m.i.a = meters in altitude
The total times of all participants in the respective category (competition and difference in altitude) are divided by the total number of participants in this category. The one who comes closest to that time is the winner and gets a starting place for the Stilfserjoch Stelvio Marathon 2021.
Here is an example for you:
Competition: Marathon 2.500 metres in altitude
Difference in altitude category: 1.001 until 1500 metres in altitude
Number of participants: 3
Results based on the benchmark time of 4:33:29
Klara, your fellow runners Max und Franz as well as the OK Team nominate you the winner of the Stilferserjoch Stelvio Virtual Runs 2020 in the category Marathon 1.001 – 1.500 metres in altitude!

Secure the Stelvio Virtual Run T-shirt or hoodie when registering and support our association.
If you register within the first 5 days after the registration link opens (Monday, 18th May 2020 – Friday 22nd May 2020) and order your Stelvio souvenir, the shipping costs will be waived.
We look forward to “welcome” you to the Stelvio Virtual Run 2020.
Your Stilfserjoch Stelvio Marathon OK Team.